SENL - Simulated Electronic Navigation, Limited

Simulated Electronic Navigation Limited is an entry-level Electronic Navigation course. SEN-L is for: Master 150 GT, domestic Fishing Master 4 Mate 150 GT Mate 500 GT


The simulated electronic navigation courses were developed to address the goals of the International Maritime Organization and parties to the Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping Convention, in their desire to promote the safety of life at sea through the training of masters and deck officers in following high standards of watch keeping especially with regard to the application of electronic navigation systems and instruments.

Computer simulation using international classification society approved equipment allows candidates to practice standard operating procedures in the use of engine controls, radar, steering, electronic charts, and the global positioning system. The system was developed with particular attention to blind pilotage for small high-speed vessel

You will cover:

  • The theory of Range-Based navigation equipment like Loran C, Eco-Sounders, Radar and GPS
  • Radar Functions like EBL, ERM, Sea Clutter, Tune, Range, Gain and Frequency
  • GPS and Electronic Charts
  • Navigating, Watchkeeping, Collision Avoidance, and Running a Course using Electronic Aids
  • Rapid Radar Plotting
  • Common Errors in Range Based Systems
  • Using Simulators and Computer Scenarios to practice these techniques

To operate as a Fishing Master 4, you also need:

To book a course or if you have any questions, feel free to Contact Us. We’re always happy to help.


Prior to taking Simulated Electronic Navigation - SENL, It is recommended to have completed Chartwork & Pilotage Level 1 as well as Navigations Safety Level 1

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