Master Limited 60 GT

Master on a specific vessel(s) in a specific area(s) of up to 60 gross tonnage, operating within Canada on Near Coastal class 2, and sheltered waters voyages (within 25 NM of shore)

Course Categories

Master Limited 60 GT

Domestic Vessel Safety

Domestic Vessel Safety

4 Days

From $875.00 excl. GST

Domestic Vessel Safety (formerly MED A1/A2) is a Marine Emergency Duties safety training course for crew of commercial Vessels operating domestically (within Canada), on Sheltered Waters voyages, and Near Coastal Class 2 voyages. On All Commercial Vessels, Specifically: Passenger vessels 15 GT and over and/or carrying more than 12 passenger; Workboats of 15 GT and over; and Fishing Vessels

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CP1 Chartwork & Pilotage Level 1

CP1 Chartwork & Pilotage Level 1

12 Days

From $1,575.00 excl. GST

Chartwork & Pilotage Level 1 is a pre-requisite for: Master Limited, <60 GT. Fishing Master 4 Mate 150 GT Watchkeeping Mate, Fishing Vessel

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NS1 - Navigation Safety Level 1

NS1 - Navigation Safety Level 1

7 Days

From $1,025.00 excl. GST

Navigation Safety 1 is primarily based on the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at sea (ColRegs). This 6-Day course is for Master Limited, <60 GT; Fishing Master 4; and Master 150

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ROC-MC - Restricted Operator Certificate - Maritime Commercial

ROC-MC - Restricted Operator Certificate - Maritime Commercial

3 Days

From $650.00 excl. GST

ROC-MC is a 3-Day course for Masters and Watchkeepers on Commercial Cargo, Towing, Passengers, Fishing Vessels, and other compulsory fitted vessels operating in Canadian waters.

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