Domestic Vessel Safety

Domestic Vessel Safety (formerly MED A1/A2) is a Marine Emergency Duties safety training course for crew of commercial Vessels operating domestically (within Canada), on Sheltered Waters voyages, and Near Coastal Class 2 voyages. On All Commercial Vessels, Specifically: Passenger vessels 15 GT and over and/or carrying more than 12 passenger; Workboats of 15 GT and over; and Fishing Vessels


This is a Marine Emergency Duties safety training course, formerly known as MED A1 / A2

This ticket applies to Masters and Crew

operating domestically (within Canada):

– On Near Coastal Class 2 and Sheltered Waters voyages

– On All Commercial Vessels, Specifically:

  • Passenger vessels 15 GT and over and/or carrying more than 12 passenger
  • Workboats of 15 GT and over
  • Fishing Vessels

This course is a mix of classroom theory and real hands-on scenarios. Over a very full and fun 4 days we will cover theories on:

  • Types of Emergencies
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Vessel Stability
  • Life Rafts, Survival Suits, and Lifesaving Appliances
  • Life Jackets, PFD’s, Worksuits, Floater Coats
  • Fire, Extinguishers, Suppression Systems, and Marine Fire Fighting
  • Passenger Control, Safety Briefings, and Passenger Safety
  • Safety Regulation and Requirements
  • Hypothermia and cold water immersion

We will also conduct 2 hands-on field exercises.

One in a swimming pool where we will:

  • launch, board, and use a life raft
  • use survival suits, PFD’s, and life jackets
  • practice recovering a victim from the water
  • use life rings, a rescue quest, parbuckles, Jason’s cradle, and a life sling

The other will be a live fire exercise using real fire. We will:

  • use 3 different types of fire extinguishers
  • practice working in teams to recover a victim from a burning compartment
  • and use a fire hose with a combination nozzle

It is a very fun, practical and essential course for anyone working on the water.

Required Supplies:

  • bathing suit
  • towel
  • boots, or water resistant shoes (recommended)

To work as a Deckhand or Crew you may also need the following: (depending on the type of work, # of passengers, and area of operation)

  • ROC-M – Radio Course (Restricted operator Certificate – Maritime)
  • SVOP –  Small Vessel Captain (Small Vessel Operator Proficiency)
  • Marine Basic First Aid – only at St. John’s Ambulance or Red Cross

To operate as a Master Limited 60 GT, you also need:

  • Chartwork & Pilotage 1
  • Navigation Safety 1
  • ROC-M or ROC-MC
  • SVOP (only if you are operating small tenders with passengers to/from the primary vessel)
  • Marine Basic First Aid – only at St. John’s Ambulance or Red Cross

To operate as a Fishing Master 4, you also need:

  • Chartwork & Pilotage 1
  • Navigation Safety 1
  • Simulated Electronic Navigation – Limited
  • Ship Construction & Stability 1
  • ROC-MC
  • SVOP (only if you are operating small tenders with passengers to/from the primary vessel)
  • Marine Advanced First Aid – only at St. John’s Ambulance or Red Cross

To book a course or if you have any questions, feel free to Contact Us.


Minimum age requirement: 15 years

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