Fishing Master 4

Fishing Master 4

Allows the holder to operate Commercial Fishing vessels of up to 100 Gross Tons, on Sheltered Waters and Near Coastal Class 2 waters.

Course Categories

Fishing Master 4

Domestic Vessel Safety

Domestic Vessel Safety

4 Days

From $875.00 excl. GST

Domestic Vessel Safety (formerly MED A1/A2) is a Marine Emergency Duties safety training course for crew of commercial Vessels operating domestically (within Canada), on Sheltered Waters voyages, and Near Coastal Class 2 voyages. On All Commercial Vessels, Specifically: Passenger vessels 15 GT and over and/or carrying more than 12 passenger; Workboats of 15 GT and over; and Fishing Vessels

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CP1 Chartwork & Pilotage Level 1

CP1 Chartwork & Pilotage Level 1

12 Days

From $1,575.00 excl. GST

Chartwork & Pilotage Level 1 is a pre-requisite for: Master Limited, <60 GT. Fishing Master 4 Mate 150 GT Watchkeeping Mate, Fishing Vessel

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NS1 - Navigation Safety Level 1

NS1 - Navigation Safety Level 1

7 Days

From $1,025.00 excl. GST

Navigation Safety 1 is primarily based on the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at sea (ColRegs). This 6-Day course is for Master Limited, <60 GT; Fishing Master 4; and Master 150

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SENL - Simulated Electronic Navigation, Limited

SENL - Simulated Electronic Navigation, Limited

5 Days

$1,175.00 excl. GST

Simulated Electronic Navigation Limited is an entry-level Electronic Navigation course. SEN-L is for: Master 150 GT, domestic Fishing Master 4 Mate 150 GT Mate 500 GT

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SCS1 - Ship Construction and Stability, level 1

SCS1 - Ship Construction and Stability, level 1

10 Days

$1,425.00 excl. GST

This gives students an overview of ship terminology, hull types, safe handling and loading, and calculating Stability. Ship Construction & Stability 1 is a prerequisite for: - Fishing Master 4, - and as a Primer for high-level Stability courses needed for Master 150 and above.

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ROC-MC - Restricted Operator Certificate - Maritime Commercial

ROC-MC - Restricted Operator Certificate - Maritime Commercial

3 Days

From $650.00 excl. GST

ROC-MC is a 3-Day course for Masters and Watchkeepers on Commercial Cargo, Towing, Passengers, Fishing Vessels, and other compulsory fitted vessels operating in Canadian waters.

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